When you're passionate about playing the guitar, it can be easy to invest a couple hours each day with this hobby. While you'll be concentrating deeply on refining your techniques, you want to also be sure that your playing doesn't lead to back pain. Whether you're seated on standing, it's possible to develop back soreness that could lead you needing the care of a health practitioner. Here are some tips that you'll be able to use to keep your back healthy as you practice your guitar.
Adopt the Right Seated Posture
When you're playing your guitar sitting down, it's easy to slouch on the couch or a comfortable chair with the instrument on your lap. The trouble with doing so, however, is that you're not keeping your back in a healthy position. Over time, this can put strain on your spine and possibly lead to an injury. It's important to always adopt a healthy seated posture. Sit on a stool, rather than a chair, so that you don't have chair arms to contend with. Focus on keeping your back upright. It's OK to bend one leg and put that foot on the rungs of the stool, but you should always alternate legs occasionally to help keep your body in balance.
Use an Ergonomic Guitar Strap
If you do much of your practicing in the standing position, upgrading your guitar strap can minimize the risk of harming your back. A conventional guitar strap goes over just one shoulder and, given the weight of the instrument, can kink your back to one side. You might not notice any symptoms during a short period of playing, but using the guitar and strap for a long period can leave your back sore. There are many ergonomic guitar straps on the market, but a useful style goes over both shoulders, like a harness. It will keep the weight evenly distributed, lessening the risk of back pain.
Take Exercise Breaks
It can be advantageous to take frequent breaks during your practice sessions. Instead of just setting the instrument down, stand up and shrug your shoulders a few times. Swing your arms and move your back around to help limber up the muscles and promote better blood flow. While there's no specific interval at which you should take breaks, you can't go wrong with getting up and moving for a few minutes every half hour or so.
Check out music shops like Mike's Brass & Woodwind and ask about other things that can help you play with correct posture.
Some say that music makes the world go 'round and for some people, it really does. The music that you listen to each day can truly set your mood. If you are feeling depressed, playing a little uplifting music can help turn it around. Feeling angry? Try listening to some calming music. But, how do you know what music is good for what mood? What you will learn by visiting my site will help you with that. You will find several examples of songs for every possible mood. Once you have read through those lists, you will have a good idea about how to turn your mood around by simply listening to some music.