using music to alter your mood

using music to alter your mood

How Piano Tuning Helps Tone-Deaf Piano Players

by Ava Bailey

Tone deaf people can't become piano players...or can they? The answer seems like it would be a fairly obvious "no" but that isn't always the case. In fact, piano players may have tone deafness that they can cope with by regularly getting their piano tuned. This type of situation isn't as uncommon as you might think.

For example, music professors can fully understand the theories beyond music and how to compose high-quality music but cannot hear the differences between tones. This fact is a surprising one but isn't as uncommon in the music world as you may think. And this concern could even impact people beyond music professors, producers, and composers and cause complications with performers and their careers.

The strange fact is that people with tone deafness can become musicians simply by mastering the mechanic action, such as mastering scales and practicing on their instrument. This does raise many challenges that can make your career as a pianist harder. For example, your piano may go out of tune randomly or you may struggle to play music that sounds good to others.

If you're concerned that you're tone deaf, you should take a simple test to gauge how well you can tell the difference between tones. These simple tests should be easy to pass if you are not tone deaf but a challenge if you are tone deaf. And if you do struggle with this problem, you should seriously consider regular piano tuning to ensure that you play properly.

Musicians with tone deafness can benefit from piano tuning sessions in many ways. First of all, this ensures that your piano is in tune for performances. This will ensure that your masterly piano skills are properly rendered to an appreciative audience. Even better, piano tuning sessions help to ensure you are confident in your skills every time you play.

Just as importantly, it can help you adjust your hearing in ways that can minimize the impact of tone deafness. Tone deafness training requires helping the individual better differentiate between tones and to execute them properly. A tuned piano helps improve this type of training by exposing you to high-quality training sessions that increase your musical understanding.

So if you're a piano player who wants to overcome this problem, seriously consider the benefits of regular piano tuning sessions. This step can ensure that you play perfectly for your audiences and can enhance your musical understanding in a variety of ways. Contact a service, like Atlanta Piano Tuning By Ear – Ask For Manny, for more help.


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using music to alter your mood

Some say that music makes the world go 'round and for some people, it really does. The music that you listen to each day can truly set your mood. If you are feeling depressed, playing a little uplifting music can help turn it around. Feeling angry? Try listening to some calming music. But, how do you know what music is good for what mood? What you will learn by visiting my site will help you with that. You will find several examples of songs for every possible mood. Once you have read through those lists, you will have a good idea about how to turn your mood around by simply listening to some music.