using music to alter your mood

using music to alter your mood

Why Hip-Hop Gospel Music Is A Great Option For Engaging With Children In Church

by Ava Bailey

Engaging young children in worship and Bible study is often a challenging prospect. While many young ones are enraptured by the fascinating and beautiful stories in the gospels, some might get bored of these stories quickly and struggle with faith. This situation may require a unique approach: hip-hop gospel music. While this might seem strange to some, it has become a trendy way to connect with young people. 

Why Gospel Hip Hop is a Wise Choice

Churches struggling to reach younger generations may find that hip-hop gospel provides many unique benefits that other teaching methods do not. This process is beneficial because:

  • Hip-hop is very popular with younger generations
  • Rap music can keep children engaged where traditional gospel music cannot
  • Many rap songs contain storytelling lyrics that can highlight critical Biblical lessons
  • Hip-hop production can integrate multiple musical styles, including conventional gospel

Simply put, gospel hip-hop can not only entertain children and keep them engaged in church but provide real-life lessons. While worship doesn't have to be entertaining for adults, easily distracted children may need help to stay focused and engaged with their classes.

Integrating Hip-Hop Gospel Music Into Worship

Finding places to integrate gospel hip-hop may be the most challenging step for many churches. Thankfully, there are several steps that they can take to make it easier. Just a few ways that they can approach this process include to:

  • Play this music during Sunday School or Catechism classes
  • Provide a brief moment during services where this music is played
  • Create concerts where children can perform hip-hop gospel music
  • Discuss the essential lessons highlighted in songs
  • Highlight the difference between this hip hop music and pop-based styles

This last step is vital in churches where the idea of hip-hop in a church may not be tolerated. Showcasing the positive messages of this music and its impact on younger generations can provide these individuals with a better understanding of why it is effective for worship needs.

Getting Started With These Steps

Those interested in integrating hip-hop gospel music into worship services have many different ways to start. First, they can research a few artists and find streaming sources or CDs of this music to play for children. Then, they can talk with worship leaders about integrating these programs or even create specialized gospel hip-hop for use in services. This last step helps personalize this approach to a church's needs and beliefs.

To learn more about hip-hop gospel music for children, check out music artists or producers.


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using music to alter your mood

Some say that music makes the world go 'round and for some people, it really does. The music that you listen to each day can truly set your mood. If you are feeling depressed, playing a little uplifting music can help turn it around. Feeling angry? Try listening to some calming music. But, how do you know what music is good for what mood? What you will learn by visiting my site will help you with that. You will find several examples of songs for every possible mood. Once you have read through those lists, you will have a good idea about how to turn your mood around by simply listening to some music.